"Err.. who are you?" Brian asked, as he approached the kitchen. She was obviously from a different planet. Her face markings clearly stated this and so did her attire.
"Karri!" she replied excitedly. "I was ordered yesterday. Today is my first day at work!"
Brian didn't know what to think. She was excited but her voice was to smart sounding to actually portray her emotions right.
Karri breakfast as Brian went to seek out his wife.
Brian found Arlie outside playing with the dogs, "Arlie did you order and alien?"
"Oh, Yes! I thought we would need help around the house since we're both working." She exclaimed. "She's a mail - order bride. So technically she's supposed to get married to one of us but I told her that it wasn't necessary and that we would find her a perfect mate right away !"
"Babe, we don't need a mail order bride to help around the house, we work, and frankly, we don't need the extra help?"
Arlie frowned. "But look at her, she's already made a friend!"
"That is a very nice suit, Mr Wolff." Karri said, making simple conversation.
"Why thank you Karri, my wife bought it for me" Thorton said.
"Your what"
Arlie took Karri out to the park to play the guitar for extra money while Brian worked his butt off.
And then while Arlie was at work Brian took Karri to the supermarket to get seeds. In a way the mail order bride took a reverse effects and it was like babysitting an adult instead.
Three people fighting over who got to sit at the table seemed to be enough and Brian finally gave in to getting a dinning table set as they slowly built a home.
With no TV Brian took to painting which he was fairly good at . And it was purple! The color of his descendants ! (Man)
Arlie got home late and unfortunately had to eat by herself, but she didn't mind much because it was better than sitting on the toilet eating.
Karri was getting used to life in Sunset Valley and still grasping the fact of windows. She's just really dumb.
Karri got bored after an hour of wall watching and took it upon herself to find the man with the matching suit.
Skinny dipping until he or his wife came outside seemed the appropriate thing to do.
The sun started rising and Karri got out of the pool. Actually, it wasn't even a pool. It was a fountain type thing and I'm pretty sure no one should have been swimming in it, naked or not.
aaaand her clothes were gone.
"Where have you been, I was worried sick about you!" Arlie confessed when Karri got home the next morning. "And why are you wearing a towel?"
"Well I went to visit Thorton and he wasn't outside. So I waited for him naked in his pool."
"But what if his wife saw you !" Arlie was stunned. Yes she was from a different planet but she was just plain stupid.
"What is that?"
Arlie sighed, and gave up.
Karri actually applied for a position at the hospital and was in a hurry to face her first day
Arlie tended to the garden that Karri had growing out back. It took some stress out of her day. Having Karri was actually like having an adult child. Maybe this was good preparation for the future...?
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