Patiently waiting..
Erin looked at the setup. It was beautiful. She couldn't wait to get married, but she did know about all the bad things that was going to come with it.
Some things we don't talk about, rather do without,
"Erin? What are you doing you're supposed to be getting ready!" Chad asked Erin as she spotted him snooping around.
"I could ask you the same thing, dad. Didn't you have some last minute errands to do?" She knew she would find her dad out side sooner or later. It was like him to mope around in happy areas. "Are you okay? You seem kind of down?" Erin walked over to him.
and just hold a smile
"Just old age, I guess" He said looking down.
"Oh honestly dad we all know 'old age' doesn't effect you. What's up?"
"My little girl is getting married! I shouldn't be sad, it's such an important day, but it's sad because you're growing up. And that means I'm growing up too.."
falling, in and out of love, afraid and proud of ,

together all the while
The wedding was getting started, the dance floor was untamed with couples and party goers, fathers and of course the bride and groom.
Picture, you're the queen of everything
As far as the eye can see, Under your command
"That's the wrong finger, Erin" Harrison laughed as Erin fumbled around with the ring.
She giggled nervously. "Sorry this is just so.. " She slid the ring onto his finger.
"Crazy? Amazing? Wonderful?" He finished for her.
I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling
To steady your hand
Harrison slid Erin's ring onto her finger. "You're all of those. And I love you more than anything that can ever be imagined."
"Oh isn't this just so romantic?" Vlad swooned to Brian. "What a lovely wedding" he said, eyes burning with anticipation.
"Erm, yeah it's nice" Brian said, confused on who the stranger was.
You can never say never
While we don't know when
Time, time, time again
Younger now than we were before
They cut the cake after the sun had set, everyone was hungry and ready to get back on the dance floor. Erin was happier then ever, she just married the love of her life.
She ate her cake and was about to meet Harrison on the dance floor for the first dance when she heard him.
"Simply magnificent." Vlad called, his voice like ice.
"Too bad I can't stick around to watch the rest." he chuckled. "Oh wait, you can't either!"
"What.." Erin was confused, and then she remembered all the warnings. "No, not you" she whispered.
"Erin!" Harrison saw what was going on.
"Oh the groom how nice of him to witness this! Too bad, too bad!" He looked at Harrison with hate. "She's mine!" Vlad called out. "I can't rule Ulaysia without her blood!" He now looked at Erin. "You're stupid mother. Oh she got pregnant with you to save herself! Don't you see ? I couldn't target her if there was a fresh bloodline - you!"
"I don't know what you're talking about" Erin spat.
"Are you stupid!" He shouted. "I need to kill you, to inherit the throne, while your mother plays it safe in hiding. Fools, all of you."
"You don't know anything about my mother." Erin glowered, "You can't touch my family, you're a coward. You're a filthy power-hungry monster!"
"HOW DARE YOU CALL ME THOSE NAMES YOU STUPID LITTLE PRINCESS" Vlad's eyes filled more with that blood red color, all the color left from his face drained away as he slapped Erin.
She stumbled back, ready to fight him off when her father and Harrison showed up right by her side.
"YOU!" Vlad shouted at the sight of Chad.
"Yes, it is me." Chad smiled..."Harrison, you know what to do.."
Chad lunged himself at Vlad, while Erin screamed for her father.
Don't let me go, Don't let me go, Don't let me go
"Erin we have to go!" Harrison shouted over the screams of the people who were circling around the fight.
"But my dad!" She screamed, tears now falling from her eyes. Who knows what could possibly happen to him..
"HARRISON COME ON !" Brian shouted, running off toward the beach.
Harrison grabbed onto Erins hand, he stared into her eyes telling her it would be okay.
They ran. The ran as fast as they could. Erin held up he dress as she stumbled her way down the mountain, crying the whole time.
Harrison ran after her, knowing in his mind that Chad would be all right.
"You go ahead Brian. They want you there first as a warning of our arrival" Harrison said.
"What?" Erin asked, confused. "What do you mean go ahead? To Ulaysia? How is he going to get there!? Why can't anyone tell me what's going on IF IT'S ALL HAPPENING TO ME? IF IT'S ALL MY FAULT I'M RUINING EVERYTHING?" She shouted, crying harder.
Harrison nodded at Brian, who looked scared, and Brian closed his eyes.
Brian dissapeared, leaving Harrison and Erin alone.
Don't let me go, Don't let me go, Don't let me go
"Do you trust me?" Harrison asked, pulling Erin in.
"Of course" she replied, her voice in a hoarse whisper.
Harrison closed his eyes and held on tight to Erin as they both vanished.
don't let me go...
!!!!!!! Wow, it was such a sweet wedding. And then oh my goodness, and the ending was so good. I hope Chad is ok!