Later that night we got back from Las Bebidas, and my stomach was no longer throwing angry fits of "I'm hungry" at me.
We sat down to watch the news before bed in silence. It was nice to spend some time with her today and I felt less awkward here.
She took her eyes off from the tv, her face with the expression that she had an idea. "You don't look like you belong here."
It was like she knew how I felt. How obvious that I didn't belong here. I hardly lived in this city for a week, and this house a day.
She looked at me as if I was going to respond to that. I had nothing to say.
A smile spread upon my face as she looked at the tv with an un-amused expression, "What do you mean by that?" I finally asked, giving in to the point that I wanted to know what she was going to say. She over powered me, making me wonder what she had in her mind.
She led me into the bathroom where I examined those pesty zits that liked to spring across my face.
"What I meant was you don't look like you live here," Stella said pointing at my clothes and hair. "You could do with a makeover."
Why was she so influential on me? I agreed on the make over.
I didn't like what she did to my hair and it really wasn't me. I hate pretending to be someone I'm not, let alone look like it. Not giving her the satisfaction of her seeing me like that I put on my pj's and was about to crawl into bed when I heard a sweet sound coming from the living room.
Walking down the hall way I assumed that it was Stella watching some weird tv show but it turned out so be some dude playing music on the piano.
He saw me and stood up, "Josh," he said, playfully shaking my hand.
Wow, he was cute. Bleach blonde hair, ha, he was probably one of those dorks that died his hair to be 'cool'.
I'm guessing he noticed me staring at his hair because he answered my question, "No," he said his voice sort of flat, "I don't dye my hair." He waved the thought away with his hand and stared me down. "Are you going to tell me your name?" he said.
I hinted a flirtatious tone in his voiced but dismissed it. I always want cute guys to flirt with me so my mind plays tricks sometimes.
I didn't get to introduce myself because of Stella, she walked into the room wearing a tank that came up high towards her belly. I never understood why she liked showing off her stomach in everything she wore.
"That's Ciara." She said making an entrance.
Josh's face seemed to glow when she entered the room, but of course Stella did sometimes have that effect on people.
They met halfway and hugged. It felt like the hug lasted forever! I stood there once again awkward out of my mind.
I had to speak up before they made the world record of longest hug. "I think I'm going to bed"
"Wow I just got here and you're going to bed?" Josh said, trying to make me feel guilty. "Come one now, Ciara. We just met! We should all do something tonight ! A welcome home party!"
Stella laughed. "No, no that's not going to fly tonight. I need some beauty sleep too after giving hot stuff over here a make over."
I flushed. I could FEEL my cheeks burning. 'Hot stuff'. Was she trying to make me feel like an inferior compared to her? Or was she just trying to show me where I stand in this house?
I thought hard. "Well," I said playing for time. "I think you deserve a make over for giving me one. I let you, so you let me." I smiled smugly. She couldn't get out of this.
"Eye for eye, tooth for tooth !" Josh said excitedly. I chanced a quick glance at him, just standing there stupidly smiling. He must of thought the idea of me challenging Stella was funny.

After giving her a make over I went back into Stella's old room to gather my stuff. I found Josh playing with my dog.
"I love dogs" he said letting Skyler sniff his hand. He playfully pushed him over to have Skyler jump back up; wagging his tail to bite Josh's fingers.
"I got him because I was lonely." The words came out so fast I wish I never said them. I must of sounded stupid.
He laughed. Well, at least I didn't get some stupid remark back. But that's where I was wrong.
"You've seen Stella's dog, right?" He asked standing up.
Well of course I have. The little turd liked to steal my socks. I told him about the socks.
"Yeah, I got him because I was lonely too. Before the band of course. Which reminds me, I'm going to go feed the hounds now."
I followed him into the kitchen and sat at the table. Stella came out and she looked STUNNING. I couldn't believe it ! I did not do THAT to her hair.
"Wow" I said sarcastically.
"Like it?" She winked at me.
I was furious! Her hair was fine the way I did it!
"I did a few things to better it," she said. "You're no stylist." She gave me a playful smile, but I took it for an insult.
I stalked away, and hid myself in the bathroom to practice acting techniques. I slid the window open for some fresh air. Then I heard the beautiful music once again, and my curiosity got the best of me.
They played so well together. The stupid dog Dodo even howled to the music on occasion. It kinda put me back to my right mind set. Why was I living with these people? I had nothing in common with them.
I needed to get everything off my mind. I started walking to the best place that would cure my insanity.
The gym made me feel better. The misfit amount of people made me feel better. I wasn't the only weirdo here. I ran faster then I normally did, stronger too.
Everything was going great until I heard Stella's pretty little laugh and a "Oh hey Ciara!" from Josh.
Seriously I couldn't just have a little vacation from them?
It was alright though. Seeing Josh struggle to run made me realize that they weren't perfect at everything they did and that they weren't perfect in every way.
My attention was soon off the heavy breathing Josh and on to the lady who pee'd herself. I thanked the Lord that I wasn't her. How embarrassing.
We ended up back at the house. Josh made joke about the poor lady the whole time, and I have to admit, they were pretty funny. Stella laughed a little too loud at each one. Being around him made her giddy and sometimes it annoyed the crap out of me.
"So Ciara," he said drumming his hands on the table . " Me and Stella are playing at our favorite little Mexican place tonight. You should come watch us."
That was almost the last thing I wanted to do.
Stella read my mind. " Don't you even say no because you're just going to be by yourself the whole night and that's no fun."
Yeah like she wanted me to go.
Of course I gave in.
Stella rubbed her feet together under the table. She was obviously nervous. I never thought of her the type to get nervous. Maybe she wasn't as cocky as I seemed her to be.
Josh sat down across from Stella and then shot right back up again like his chair was on fire. "I'm going to warm up on the keys."
Stella found this a good idea, and wandered over to her guitar.
I stood there for a good two minutes by myself. I thought it would be a good idea to not just stand there like an idiot as if they were coming back. I moved myself away from where they were previously sitting to the dance floor.
There wasn't a lot of people here as I thought there would be. The music was really good so I was surprised. I was tired of being on my feet so I decided on a quick trip to the bar would put me in a good mood.
I told the bartender to get me whatever. I didn't really drink, so I didn't know what to order.
She came around with some pink girly drink the a heart stirrer in it.
After my third one I found everyone extremely attractive...

And I could not help but to notice the older man staring at me.
"What's your name" he said, gazing into my eyes.
"Wrinkles" I responded, giggling into my hand.
"That's an odd name. C'mon really miss, what's your name?"
I put my hands back to my sides. Good God how old was this man? "You're like a thousand" I said, slurring my words a little. The thought of me drunk made me laugh louder than I did before.
He grabbed my wrist a little hard, obviously angry. "You're a little rude, aren't you?"
I didn't feel so giddishly drunk anymore.
Next thing I knew I was being escorted out by Josh. I walked quickly away just wanting to go home.
"Ciara!". He called my name. I didn't turn around, and kept walking. He finally caught up to me and turned me around to face him.
"You have to watch out for yourself." He looked angry and a little annoyed while he said this. "This isn't some small town or where ever you came from. There are bad people here!"
NO DUH, I wanted to scream. Of course there were bad people, there's bad people every where!
I didn't want to say anything to him, but I did need to thank him for watching my back.
"Thanks," I said already turning to leave. "I'll make sure not to bore myself into drinking again."
I was so homesick. I missed my small little one room apartment in the bad part of town. I miss being lonely! Heck I hate how these people influence me. Why live here if I have nothing in common with these strangers!
got into my room and dialed a number I knew by heart, Kurtis. He didn't answer the phone. I wasn't expecting him to anyways, it was three in the morning. "Hey it's me.." was that all I could manage to say to the guy I've been best friends with since second grade?
"Uhh I know it's late ahha" The nervous laugh will give me away, he'll know somethings up, he always does.
"Just give me a call when you get this, okay? I'm just a little homesick.."
A phone call at 3 in the morning. This wasn't like Ciara. She usually passes out around nine after watching Friends. I couldn't pick up though. It would be suspicious, like I was waiting for her to call.
I looked at my phone, ready to send a text message to her saying 'I'm just across town'. But I didn't want her to know that right when she moved I realized I loved her. She moved on though to live her life and if that's what she wants then no one can stop her.
God I miss her so much.
I woke up to the smell of waffles being made. To be honest, I was scared the stove was going to start on fire again.
Josh was done cooking and set the plate of waffles on the counter, and turned to face me. Of course I was expecting a lecture this morning.
That's when Stella came in.
"I'm sorry about last night" he said. "I'm sure you could have handled what ever went on in there, but the guy was kind of scary looking."
Stella looked at me. "Why'd you leave so early? And why'd you run off last night Josh? I had to play alone."
Josh explained to her what happened.
She laughed and walked away to get ready for the day.
"I can handle myself" I said. It was half a lie.
He moved in closer.
"I understand," he said smiling. "But you just seem so vulnerable sometimes. It's cute." I flushed. I bet he liked embarrassing me. He probably found it funny.
I was about to think of a quick remark to put him on his toes, or tell him that I thought he was EXTREMELY cute when he played the piano, or even laughed, but Stella walked into our conversation like she got a wiff of what was going on.
"Josh, let's go to the theater to pick up some people in our band" she said eyeing me.
His eyes tore into mine as he agreed to leave, walking away. He didn't look away until Stella grabbed his hand to leave the kitchen.
My mind was racing and of course my heart. What the hell is going on in this house! Stella clearly said that they weren't a thing but she gets all weird when me and Josh are alone!
I didn't want to be home alone so I decided it was time to fix my hair. If Kurtis ever called me back I would invite him here. He would love the city.
I stared at myself in the mirror. My hair actually wasn't that bad. I wanted Kurtis to actually notice me; I needed to change it back.
I felt much better. The next time something changed about me I wanted it to be on MY account.
Love rectangle anyone? I sense drama on the horizon!
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