how am I supposed to get this homework done! Why did I even come here!
Then Erin remembered. She got kicked out of the house because there was a 'surprise'.
I now hate surprises she decided. Surprises are making me get C's in school!
She scribbled some more useless words in her notebook and closed it, pocketing her pencil.
She stood up to push her chair in when she noticed her grandpa. They weren't very close but whenever they talked he always had something wise to say.
"Hey Joeness" Erin smiled at him.
He creeped toward her still smiling.
"Hey Erin, watcha doing out this late?" He said looking toward the bistro.
Erin hated when people didn't look at her when they talked. "Well dad said he had a surprise and I needed to get my - " she stopped talking after she followed his gaze.
EVERYONE was staring at her.
She looked back at Joeness to see if he noticed too, and he did.
He was still smiling. "There are always going to be someone watching you" he said now gazing at the stars. "But it's important to remember, be the little princess that you are, and you will have no troubles"
She hated when people called her that. She thought it was a nickname her dad gave her when she was little but Joeness seemed to say it with meaning.
It happened so fast. His smile seemed to broaden and the exact moment he turned to leave he turned into a ghost.
"NO!" Erin shouted reaching out.
Joeness stepped away before Erin's hand could swipe through his sparkles. "We were all born to die" he said, still smiling.
Why is he still smiling.. he just died..Erin cried harder into her hands.
"Oh now don't do that" he said as the grim was coming closer. "I haven't finished what I was about to say!"
He gravitated closer. "We were all born to die, but that's just general. It happens to everyone."
Erin wasn't even listening her sobs were so loud.
"But you, my dear," It seemed impossible but his smile got bigger, "were born for something greater."
She looked up from her hands and noticed his face was serious now.
She looked up from her hands and noticed his face was serious now.
"You'll always be your mother and fathers little princess, a true princess."
The grin on his face was back, and he walked away alongside the man in the dark cloak.

School days seemed to drag by for Erin. She still didn't understand what her grandfather said and now was beginning to assume it was just some aimless rambling that he always did.
She liked her new bedroom though. It was not a part of the house but she did have to eventually share a bathroom with her little cousin when he got older.
As soon as she laid into her bed she got up. The sunset! she thought.
She left her room, and drove.
She loved the sunset. She loved this certain location, too. After her dad told her about it she couldn't get enough of it. There was something about it.
She loved the silence. There was only one house on the street so it was mostly silent. She never paid attention to the house. Turning to face it she noticed a pool.
It doesn't look like anyone's home..
She tried the gate. Of course it was unlocked!
She swam for a little, refreshed by the water she was able to relax.
She got out of the pool as the weather was starting to cool as the sun went down.
The darkness seemed to make her hearing more alert and she thought she heard a noise.
She walked toward the dark house. No one was home. Good, I mean I wasn't going to get caught anyways. She reassured herself.
She was struck with nerves but the person had just got there and couldn't have saw her swimming.
She got home and ate some easy mac. Xavier sat in the stool next to her with his own, bigger bowl.
"I'm going to do it soon" he said watching her eat.
"You are?" Erin said, a noodle dropping out of her mouth and back into the bowl.
"Yep. I love her. I know she loves me too but I'm still nervous"
"Oh I would be nervous too" Erin said smiling. "She gets scary sometimes. They both laughed, reminiscing on the moments of Amy yelling at Xavier.
Man Manicorn still looking majorly hawt. Sparkling hawt.
It seemed that everyone was in a easy mac mood, even though it was night.
He ate alone. It was normal now without Mandie.
Steve wants some easy mac...
Aw this was sad, until the end. The final picture/words made me laugh. xD
ReplyDeleteLove it.