Here, ladies and gents, is Arlie X7. Just waking up from her sleep to continue on with her normal life, in a normal neighborhood.
A normal start!
And here is where Brian enters. Perfectly normal just like his wife. Half alien and half manicorn. Welcome to Sunset Valley, folks!
"What's cooking good lookin'!" Brian said as he walked out of the bedroom.
"Deep fried waffles, of course!"
Because their lack of furniture Arlie made it to the only seat in the house to eat her deep fried waffles with globs of butter.
It must feel so relaxing to eat the same place where your food will eventually escape you.
Brian being mildly upset about the seating arrangements.
Brian: Arlie, you are a great cook any everything but you gotta understand that deep fried waffles are something that should be consumed at the county fair, not in the bathroom for breakfast
Arlie sent herself outside after that conversation. I think it was more or less a punishment thing. She played her guitar which was nice because her life time wish is to become a rock star.
Brian went out to dance to her lively music but Arlie packed up and walked away as soon as he was about to get his groove on.
To make his wife feel better he decided to bring her back to Christopher Steels house, as his dog had another puppy.
"Welcome, the puppies are just this way!"
"Don't mind if I do :3 " Brian said as he sassed his way inside. So sassy.
Brian picked the smallest puppy, mostly because it was the only one not chewing it's leg off.
He wasn't the bravest dog of course, as it pee'd right where it stood from excitement.
The dog was appropriately named "Killer".

Brian escorted the shaky dog home while Arlie stayed at Christopher's house.
"OOOOO don't you just love this show Arlie ! The faeries are so presh!"
"Mmm, yes. The big fat one is my favorite"
"If Brian was a faerie what do you think he would look like?" Chistopher asked, sneaking a glance at Arlie.
"Hmm. I can't see Brian being a faerie. But if you were a faerie, Christopher, you would be the short little weak one flying around getting attacked by birds."
Arlie went home in the happiest of moods, which put Brian in a better one.
Then they realized how ugly their house was.
So they had a litte bit of a makeover with the money they kinda had.
But where were the dogs?
Killer was out destroying things at the firehouse
And Pennie was sleeping outside the doghouse. Because Puppies can't sleep in the doghouse; they are puppies. Not dogs.
And Brian being sooooo overjoyed eating his deepfried waffles on the throne while his wife was working