Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Adventures of Ciara ! Chapter 1 - Normal Boring Life

Leftover autumn salad for breakfast! YUMMY. I had to leave for work soon so I didn't have time to make breakfast. The dressing on the salad upset my stomach at this time in the morning but I ate it anyways.

I ran to work in heels. I swear I almost rolled my ankle like two times. Investing in regular shoes might be a good idea.

After work ended I was greeted outside by paparazzi! I'M FAMOUS! Well I hoped. This was the first time someone took a picture of me and my back was turned -__- just my luck. 

I was a bookworm so hitting up the public library was a must for me! You would think that after all the books I've read in my life I would gain some knowledge, but no. 

OMG it's Lady Lala!! I didn't know that celebrities didn't wear shoes in public places. I've always thought that they would make sure there wore their best stuff at all times. It was Lady Lala so it makes sense.

As soon as I stopped goggling over Lady Lala I got to my reading. This book was sure to get me ahead in my career somehow .

I had some time when I got home to do some jumping jacks. These people on the P90x video were insane! 

The next day I rewarded myself with a nice ice cream treat! The dark tinted windows weren't very reassuring to what  I was buying :o

I got the little bunny :D 
But then something happened to me...

I got into a taxi, my little ice cream guy in hand. I couldn't control what was going on so I wished it was nothing terrible

My body led me here and I sat on the bench. I was able to control my movement now! I think the icecream wanted me to eat him at a park -__-

I enjoyed the little guy, savoring the flavor. He was so delicious :D

I noticed that the gym was close by, and I was in my work out attire so I went. I ran into the big Italian guy who looked like he could be apart of the mafia, and the more I thought about it , the more it dawned on me.
Could he be the Italian Mafia boss that was on the new tv show "The Contaralto"!

"Wow. Holy cow you have no idea how much of a big fan I am to The Contralto!" I shouted at him. 

He stared at me for what seemed like five minutes but then he finally spoke, "No sorry" he said with the same expressionless voice, "that's not me".
I was a bit disappointed. And embarrassed. I apologized for me disrupting him a the gym and walked past him toward the treadmill.   

I ran and worked hard for my workout. I was getting a lot better at running and it took longer for me to be tired. (No I'm not actually eating that guys head ^.^ )

But yes we do know what she's thinking.

If you were running on the treadmill, and looked across the bay, you could see what looked to be a sports bar. And it was one ! I went there to enjoy some food after my workout - I was very hungry.

I sat down and the bar tender took my order. I looked around while he made my dinner. I noticed the place was dead! There was an Asian couple here, and me. The Asian lady reminded me too much of my mom so I ate my nachos with my fork and left.

I went online on my phone to check where the hotspot of nightlife was and my gps lead me here. It was in the older part of the outskirts of the city, a place that reminded me of tumbleweed and cowboys.

I walked in and the first thing I noticed was this hunk of a guy ordering some girly drink at the bar. I suppressed a laugh and casually walked over to him

As I was walking over he stood up, and he looked like he was about to leave. When he left the bar tender brought him his drink. I took the drink from the bartender and brought it to the man.
"You ordered this?" I said handing him the drink.
"Thank you miss" he said taking a sip, "Can I get some nachos too?" he asked me, pulling out his wallet. 
"Oh, no." I said, blushing slightly, not noticing the chick who now approached us, cracking her knuckles. "I don't work here. You left before your drink came out so I brought it to you" I told him, now looking down at my feet in embarrassment. Why did I do that? He totally just mistook me for a bar lady !

"Sorry" he apologized. "It didn't seem right, you bringing me my drink. I knew you were not the type to be  working at a bar, I should of  known" he said swiftly, making me blush deeper than I did before.
We started talking now, about our jobs, where around the city we lived. I told him about my new apartment and the time when I thought I ran into the guy from The Contralto, and soon people were leaving the bar.

"It was nice meeting you." he said looking away.
"Yeah" was all I could manage to say ( how embarrassing)
He said "Have a good night" and walked away.
I didn't even get the chance to take his number. 

It was a sad day. The autumn salad was rotting and I had to throw it away. I'll probably end up making another batch since it's really easy to make.

I went to the gym and working out was now a breeze ! I hardly broke a sweat, and when I did, I was hardly out of breath! 

You know what the read bowl means! I decided that my house was too lonely for just one person so I adopted a small puppy!

There he is! Or she! I forgot! But it's name is Skyler. And he just wants some loving !


I needed some  quick cash and I didn't have any skills so I decided to do some hard work outside of work, and that was the junkyard of course!

Most of the stuff there was broken beyond repair. I found some scraps and sold them, but I did manage to find some stuff that I could collect and maybe take home.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Adventures of Ciara! Prologue

Well this is me.. kinda. I'm not really great at creating sims and the more that I look at her.. well me.. I see that we really don't look that much a like ! But we both do have freckles if it counts for anything !

This story is about me, in the future! I can't predict the future but I can only hope it will be like this.
So this is my adventures!
I just got a job at the acting place.. forgot what it was called..

And this is my humble adobe ! It's in downtown Greater Los Aniegos. It was only like 3,000 so I saved a lot of money. I'm living by myself so it doesn't really matter anyways.

What a great place to put this full plate of autumn salad! Wait.. why did I make so much if I live by myself 
-__- Oh well Maybe some neighbors will come and great me and they can eat some of my yummy salad!

Wow just my luck! Oh.. they look kind of frightening. WHY IS SHE CRACKING HER KNUCKLES !

So nice to meet you! Oh wow you're not even paying attention to me  you're just talking to yourself how conceited. 
And yes other lady in the sweat suit we can tell you don't like sports

My best idea so far today = go inside, eat salad by myself, watch weird scary neighbors through window until they go away

They finally left so I hit up the gym! What a beautiful place it was here! Working out by the ocean gave me the chance to see some really hot guys !

"Hi Lady la la " Oh wait you're too popular for me I'll just go fan girl elsewhere 


Ew what is that smell? Oh it's me how awkward I hope no one saw me sniff my armpit. Yeah I'm just going to leave now.

What a successful first day in the city! Time to hit the hay though I'm beat !

Chapter 13 - Bai to the princess, and Oh hai Xavier!

Joeness was such a creep.. but maybe Amy shouldn't have been walking around in her swim attire .

Xavier was a neat freak which gave him an excuse to go and make Amy's bed. How awk is that.

"I heard you and your fathers conversation" Chad pointed out. Mandie held her breath not knowing what to expect.

"I think I understand" Chad said. "Maybe I'm blinded because I love you so much but if you go you'll always be in my heart. "

"I love you alot Mandie"

"Let's just enjoy this last week like we don't know what's going to happen, like a normal life" 

Amy was just getting used to Erin. She didn't really understand what was happening to Mandie and Chad so she just assumed that she was leaving and keeping baby Erin with them. She would ask but she didn't want to butt into their business.

Look at me I'm just a cute baby ! Yayz for me !

Joeness got a little to excited to see Amy on his way out.

They spent one of their last days together at the park. Mandie was spending a lot of time with Erin. Chad understood and carried on, not realizing that he would soon be burning his perrito calientes. (hot dogs)
(yes I am in my first year of spanish class don't hate !)

Amy's garden was growing steadily. She didn't know how to weed yet so she just watered.

Another day at the park with some yummy hot dogs. 

I shall eet zee boogars while zey eet der hot dogs right der.

Amy was just walking around behind the barn when she just happened to look over the cliff. Why was it the first time she noticed it? She'd live there her whole life and did not notice the gosh dang cliff that lead to the gosh dang secret beach!

Xavier got home from work. He was about to take a nap in the barn when he noticed Amy's head vanish down the cliff

Amy heard footsteps and turned around. 
"So you like it down here? I would like it down here but there are no computers, the only mice I see are the rodent kind!" Xavier's joke wasn't even funny and Amy just stared .

"Wow, that joke almost put me to sleep" she said smiling. "How'd you know I was down here? I heard my parents talk about this place before. Something about a great place for them to be buried. How  gross is that"
" I was about to sleep in my very cozy cot in the barn but I thought I saw your radiant hair going down here. Dead bodies are gross. Why be buried under sand? One big wave and you could be washed up.."

Their conversation went on for a little while more and they even talked about the garden.

She looked down at her toes, she had run out of things to say.
"You should head on back, Chad and them will be home soon and I think they brought back Pizza" he said.
"Oh, yeah. Right. Are you coming?"
"No I'm just going to stay here and maybe contact my other alien friends who live under water" he said jokingly giving her a funny wink.

"So see you later" she said about to turn away when she stepped back and pulled him into a tight hug..

I am Steve. Steve. My name is Steve

Do they have fire alarms installed? I hope they have fire alarms installed.
Amy continued to water her garden. The plants were growing but she still had to shoo the horses who tried to eat the potatoes every time she had her back turned. 

We are farmers! bum dum du dum dum dum. 
(from a commercial can't remember which one)

Sugar, spice, and everything nice
These were the ingredients chosen
To create the perfect dinner
But Professor Xavier accidentally
Added an extra ingredients to the concoction--
Chemical X
Thus, the grilled salmon was made
Using their ultra-super ingredients
Lime,Salmon, and Pasta
Have dedicated their lives to fighting empty stomachs 
And the forces of fatty foods

"Soooo Amy since you're the last one done you get to wash all the dishes !"

Dreaming about science. ONLY ALIENS DO THAT

Awwwww Yeaaaaah wake up and feed the babbby.

"So tomorrow is your last day.." Chad said, saddened by how fast the week went.

They fished together at the beach, their last full day together.
Man, I can't even believe my luck
I found a girl who loves to....

-fish by craig campbell lolz

They ate at the bistro together. Mandie was genuinely upset.

"YAYY! woooooOOOO!" Asta grew up ! Now she is an old race horse... Sona better start training more!

They went to the club and got dooooown. 
It was Mandies last night so they decided to spend it as if they had just met, as their first date.

I feel like there are some guys behind me... just getting my drink and then I'll sneak away

So much for that plan! Xavier caught Amy of guard.
"Wow your drink looks so girly Xavier. Kind of like  your figure " she said jokingly

They ended up in the hot tub, girly drinks at the ready.

Their last goodbyes..

"I love you Chad. Don't you forget that" she said, holding onto his arms.
"I'll wait for you" he whispered. 

Glancing at the house one last time she drove away. Love always found her way, and hopefully she would be back.

Oh wow I have finally learned how to weed plants! How easy is this !"

"Here let me get that for you" Xavier said watering a plant"

Amy was surprised to see him home at this time. Usually he was at work or hacking someones computer, maybe even picking up girls
"Oh hey Xavier" She said, pulling him into a hug
"Just came down to see how the plants were coming along," he said pulling away, "Knowing you I have to come here once in a while to make sure they're all not dying." He gave her a playful poke in the arm to let her know he was just joking around, but she knew the little poke wasn't needed. It seemed that she understood him completely. 

And she caught him off guard.

"So is this like a date? " She said, allowing the jets to massage her back

"Only if you want it to be" he said.
She smiled and moved in closer

She fell asleep there, too tired to move.

Chad comforted Erin a lot more now. She missed her mother but she was too young to know what happened

And it was just like the old time. EXTREME GETTING BIG AT THE GYM HOMIEZ